October 15, 2016 10:45 AM
NOW it's even easier to place an order on Our Website ! Instructional Video to Place Order on Our Website ... Instructional Video on How to Place an Order for Canvas Ready to Hang using the Wall Designer Instructional Video on How to Place an Order for a Framed Poster
April 28, 2020 5:18 PM
One Way Vision is an innovative window graphic made from perforated self-adhesive vinyl film. It is great for completing a partial vehicle wrap design onto windows.The tiny perforated (punched) holes allow visibility from the inside of your vehicle, while anyone viewing from the outside will see your window graphics. We digitally print your design in full colour, Rest assured, we only use genuine One Way Vision vinyl which is designed to meet the VLT Standards (Visible Light Transmittance) for A.....
August 23, 2016 8:21 AM
While there
is no official standard size for posters, over the decades many printing and
advertising companies have been using the same consistent sizes for poster
printing. This resource discusses the dimensions and rules that are commonly used for printing posters worldwide. Smallest Poster - 11x 17 Inches Also
called Ledger, Tabloid or ANSI B size. This is the smallest standard poster
size, they are mostly used for flyers, street lights, bulletin boards, and
generally putting up on businesses.....
June 16, 2016 11:40 PM
Hi... Here You Will Find a How To to stretching Canvas Steps while Stretching canvas. 1. Purchase a stretcher or build a frame. Canvas frames are also sometimes referred to as stretcher bars, which feature pre-cut slats that you can slip together to create the frame. 2. Get the other necessary materials to complete the job. You'll need a few basic tools to complete a canvas stretching job properly. 3. Center your frame on the canvas. Lay the canvas out flat on your work surface and center the fr.....

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